A bit about me..


I am a visual artist born and living in Wexford, Ireland. I specialise in the medium of soft pastels. My inspiration is the beauty of the natural world around us. I began painting to help me process the loss of a loved one. Making art has helped me in so many ways since. 

My passion for painting animals comes from the love of my own furbabies, which I have painted many times. My biggest inspiration has been my Buddy Love (handsomest pupper below) who came to me after my furbaby Patch passed over the rainbow bridge. I found him through my local Wexford.S.P.C.A and thanks to them, I found a little soul to whom I owe so very much.

I have learned from many great artists along the way, Jason Morgan Wildlife Artist has been and still is my greatest teacher. Without him, and the other artists that give their time and knowledge to help others I wouldn't have embarked on this incredible journey.

"Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time".          Thomas Merton